The Trends Shaping The Freelance Revolution In 2023

SOURCE: Forbes


Looking ahead to the freelance revolution this year, this article notes that 78% of companies are relying on freelancing, and that fulltime freelancing has grown by 59%. It also discusses the emergence of proprietary talent platforms, regional freelance marketplaces, and the need for freelancers to focus on skills in-demand. Additionally, it mentions the importance of building communities, professionalizing the revolution, and the impact of TikTok and funding on freelancing.


“45% of US employees have a side-gig. They offer often unappreciated value to employers. They’ve developed competence and confidence by running their own show. They’ve also learned they can ‘take that job and shove it’ and be OK, as did millions during the ‘great resignation.’ Smart managers support reasonable, non-competing, side-gigs.”


Source: The Trends Shaping The Freelance Revolution In 2023