My Tips for a Landing Page That Converts at 46.3%

SOURCE: Illumination


A landing page is designed to “convert” visitors into qualified leads. Well-designed landing pages can increase conversion, ROI, and lead rates significantly. You’ll learn about the two types of landing pages (lead generation and website conversion); sales funnels; the AIDA method (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) for creating landing pages; the typical structure of a winning landing page; and best practices for creating successful landing pages.


“A landing page’s sole purpose is to entice visitors to take a specific action. That is all there is to it. They’re a simple approach to get a visitor to perform a certain action, such as completing a form, getting an ebook, or purchasing a product.

When someone lands on your landing page, they enter a form, answer a question, or do whatever it is you want them to do on that particular page.”