How to keep your creator brand and your personal life in harmony

SOURCE: Descript


As a content creator, maintaining a clear and consistent professioal brand while also keeping a private life, can be a challenge. The audience perceives the creator as a brand, which creates a parasocial relationship, making it difficult for creators to be clear and consistent in their personal lives. This article provides tips to manage this relationship, which includes finding a trusted creative partner, being open to constructive criticism, setting boundaries around social media, and knowing personal values.


“Whether you make podcasts, videos, or anything else for the internet, you probably aren’t just making that thing. Chances are you’re also spreading the word on social media, maybe doing interviews to promote your show.

You’re trying to get an audience to care about your content, and if you succeed, something a little strange happens: you become a brand. Your audience associates you with your content, even sees you as its living extension. You’re not just you — in their eyes, you are your show.”