Do You Know These 5 Types of Blog Content You Need to Understand?

SOURCE: Anthony Gaenzle


This article explores five different types of content for marketing blogs that companies can put to work to help gain influence and engage with their audiences. For instance, there’s authority building content that establishes a company’s standing as a thought leader and as an authoritative source of information. The article further offers insight into each type of content, advice on choosing writers for each type based on their strengths and levels of expertise, and more tips to help successfully develop and produce effective content for marketing blogs.


“Take the time to understand these 5 content types to make topic planning easier, and ensure everyone on your team understands the key types you want them to focus on. Understand that any given entry can serve multiple purposes and that the lines between ‘types’ are blurry. And be sure to expand on the list with your own types, to suit your unique purposes.”