Query Letter Pet Peeves – Agents Speak


This article provides advice from 11 different literary agents on any pet peeves they may have with the query letters they receive. These industry veterans share a number of invaluable insider tips on problems and mistakes to avoid when making your queries, including using vague wording, providing too much personal information, not giving enough details about the book, and more.

You’ll also find advice on how to research and target literary agents, and tips on how to make sure your query letter is professional and stands out.

SOURCE: Writers In The Storm Blog

“Ready to send your book out and contact agents? The last thing you want to do is to rush that submission out the door and hurt your book’s chances.

When submitting your all-important query to agents or editors, it’s not just a question of what to write in the letter—it’s also a question of what not to write.”


Source: Query Letter Pet Peeves – Agents Speak