I Spoke To A Youtuber With 498k Subscribers, and He Told Me To Do This For My Youtube Business…

SOURCE: Al Anany (Medium)


In the competitive world of YouTube, creating content that stands out can be difficult. The author consulted with Vincent Chan, a YouTuber with over 498K subscribers, to gain insight on how to succeed on the platform. The article stresses the importance of SEO, creating an engaging hook, and identifying a niche and sub-niches to target. It also emphasizes the need to build an audience that trusts the content creator over time, and tailoring content to current trends.


“The mentality I had was that I just had to create content and hope that the gods of Youtube loved me and would spread my content. But then I was exposed to the world of SEO and thought Youtube might be the same.

When I posted a video, for example, titled, ‘My SEO Advisor Told Me to ‘Write For Humans’ — Ever Since Then, Google Has Loved My Website,’ I realized that the SEO competition or volume was not good enough.”