Clever Ideas for Promoting a Book with Bonus Content

SOURCE: Author Marketing Experts (Penny Sansevieri)

“Bonus content is literally one of the most underutilized strategies when determining how to market a self-published (or traditionally published) book, especially when you’re trying to be mindful of your budget or trying to support the work you hired a book marketing company to do. But bonus content is often straightforward, and, in many cases, you already have everything you need to make this strategy work for you. Let’s dig into some ideas for promoting a book with bonus content!

How bonus content differs for fiction and non-fiction

Simply put, fiction authors should think of bonus content as ‘world enhancing,’ and non-fiction authors should think of bonus content as ‘business building.’ Putting it in basic terms like this can help give you some direction when it comes to determining what bonus content you can offer.”