Want to Read People Like a Pro? All You Have to Do Is Ask 1 Simple Question, Research Shows

Source: Want to Read People Like a Pro? All You Have to Do Is Ask 1 Simple Question, Research Shows | Inc.com

SOURCE: Inc. Magazine


A study is discussed that suggests that to get an understanding of a person’s personality, it may be best to ask them to rate the positive characteristics they see in three people they know. The study observes that an individual’s tendency to describe others in positive terms is an indication of the positivity of their own personality traits. It also suggests asking someone to rate the personalities of real people may help you to actually learn more about the person providing the descriptions.


“Take job interviews. Some people ask unusual interview questions. Others use the undercover interview technique. Some might even ask an extremely aggressive, off-putting question…

Fortunately, you don’t need to go to those lengths to get a sense of a potential employee’s personality. (Or partner, or customer, or vendor, or supplier…)”