How Much Money is Enough to Make from Your Writing?

SOURCE: BadRedhead Media

“Once you’ve determined a clear reason why it matters to make money with writing, then the next question you need to ask is: ‘How much money is enough?’

It’s necessary to answer this question for a couple of reasons:

    • It gives you a specific goal to shoot for.
    • It saves you from the ‘no amount is ever enough’ trap.

When you set a monetary goal, you give yourself a specific benchmark against which to measure your results. This is important in both freelance and book writing, as without a goal, you’re left swaying back and forth between feeling like you’re doing okay with your earnings and berating yourself because you could be doing better.

Be careful when determining this goal that you don’t set yourself up for failure. A small goal reached is always much more motivating than a large goal never attained.