4 Effective Ways to do Brand-to-Brand Affiliate Partnerships

Source: 4 Effective Ways to do Brand-to-Brand Affiliate Partnerships


Brand-to-brand partnerships (aka B2B partnerships) are collaborations between companies. They’re structured in various ways. Two familiar forms are affiliate and performance-based partnerships. Affiliate partnerships (aka referral partnerships) are when one company promotes another company’s products/services and get a commission from any sales that result.

These win-win partnerships provide an opportunity to reach new customers, increase sales, and expand brand awareness. Some good ways to engage in brand-to-brand affiliate partnerships include email placement swaps, social mentions, blog posts, and thank you page placements.

SOURCE: Evan Weber

“It is important for companies looking to enter into a brand to brand partnership to carefully consider their goals and the potential benefits and drawbacks of the partnership, as well as the terms and conditions of the agreement.”