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Like regular writing prompts, Wordpreneur WordPrompts aim to stimulate your imagination and creativity, to help you generate ideas for what you can write about.

Unlike regular writing prompts, Wordpreneur WordPrompts are just single words—actual English words, common neologisms, foreign words, etc.—whose definitions and concepts aim to serve as catalysts for your internal idea generation engine.

The ideas that may result are all yours. You totally own them.

Fiction or non-fiction. Brand new stories/articles or additions to your works-in-progress. Whatever. Let Wordpreneur WordPrompts tickle your creative psyche in whatever way you see fit.

BONUS: Improve your vocabulary while you’re at it!

Browse through the growing collection of Wordpreneur WordPrompts, or better yet, don’t miss a single one, and have each conveniently delivered to your email inbox as they’re added to the collection—just enter your email address below and subscribe to the free Wordpreneur WordPrompts Direct emails.

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